Saturday, February 18, 2012

weekend outrage--be warned nothing to do with markets

     I need some help in dispute resolution. My brother and i had a half hour argument regarding the comments on contraception, made by some guy who is a major contributor to the santorum campaign. To my knowledge,this is what he said, and i paraphrase. "In my day contraception was an aspirin...women held it between their legs..." Before we continue i should make a quick confession . I ,like liberals, love to find things to be outraged and indignant about. I think its out of boredom, but it sure feels good to have a cause. Anyway, this creepy old guy, clearly over stepped normal boundaries by making an inappropriate joke about womens body parts. If we as a society want to ramp up punishments on stupid, unfunny jokes, i for one, will not oppose. That being said, its obvious that the guy was trying to say that an effective form of birth control is abstinence. Do the liberals disagree with that thesis? is abstinence ineffective or inappropriate for avoiding unwanted pregnancies. I did not major in biology, but it seems that i would agree with the general point of the creepy guy. At this point of the discussion my brother made the point that its outrageous for the republicans to place the blame of unwanted pregnancies solely on the women.  I couldn't agree more and i dont think thats what he was saying. You could easily make the point that he was saying that women are strong and have choices, one of these choices would be abstinence. At this point of the discussion i was still trying to figure out what i was supposed to be angry about. The last and most important part of the argument is that this is a person who is not, himself, running for any office so who cares what he says. I would have to think that many campaign contributors have radical viewpoints and that's what draws them into the political discussion. I think i should note here that i am not particularly religious and i have never voted for major offices based on any platform other than economic policy. If you have time i would like to know if you side with me in this discussion or my brother. You can indicate via twitter by saying "im with you" or "im with that sniveling little liberal puke paul"


  1. I'm with you Jim. Seems to me another typical liberal argument, looking to pick a fight... folks not wanting to take responsibility for their own actions, place blame, expecting someone else (usually gov't) to fix their screwups. Funny thing is, it's a microcosm of the banks' debacle a couple years ago. "Just go take whatever risks you want, no one needs to be held responsible, we'll pick up the pieces so don't worry about it". Too typical, too funny.

  2. Reminds me of so many arguments that revolve round govt being in our personal business. I am a big believer in "free speech"...and therefore I lack any concern that this rich old white guy was bashing anyone. He is a 1%er and thus cares little of what the 99%ers believe or think. He plays by the rules written for the 1% and can thus be as politically incorrect as he feels like in point....Mel Gibson and his anti Semitic tirades don't seem to have affected his 1% status...which remains quite in tact along with his hunt for young girls to satisfy his wanton desires...typical of 1%ers. Back to the rich old white guy and his comment...I laughed more at what Andrea Mitchell said right that was "priceless"
